Enter your highest 20 minute average or normalised power to calculate your power based training zones:
- Active Recovery(Easy spinning or light pedal pressure)
- Endurance(All day pace)
- Tempo(2.5 to 8 hours)
- Lactate Threshold(10 to 60 minutes)
- VO2 Max(3 to 8 minutes)
- Anaerobic Capacity(30 seconds to 3 minutes)
- Neuromuscular Power(5 to 30 seconds)
- Calculate power training zones based off your Functional Threshold Power (FTP)
- 7 Training zones
- Adjust FTP percentage of 20 minute power
- Functional Threshold Power
- Power to Weight (Watts per Kilogram)
- Free to use
Good for road cycling, triathlon, mountain biking to calculate the correct power training zones.